Legal Disclaimer

Disclaimer regarding the governmental shutdown

As we are headed for a possible government shutdown, countless people will be affected, especially home owners and business owners in need of financial assistance. This includes absolutely all SBA lending. No further loans or assistance will be processed if this goes into effect.

What could this mean for you?

  • Additional difficulties obtaining lending
  • Increased hardship consolidating debt and managing finances
  • Stricter underwriting regulations and increased declinations for loan applications
  • Lower lending amounts given
  • Stricter compliance/regulation of approved business deals
  • Increased scams and false promises from internet gurus, social media personalities, and unqualified individuals

Anyone without a qualified consultant or advisor may face additional risks during these times. Those who do, may experience more support during the difficult market/economy to help manage their businesses and finances more efficiently.

It is a perfect time to reach out to us and uncover how we can assist. Not only is our President a former professional banker, but our team consists of a variety of professionals with real backgrounds in business, marketing, credit repair, real estate, insurance, etc.

HoneyTouch Consulting LLC offers unmatched results and pride ourselves in assisting the clients others refuse to help. Contact us today!